Jerry ‘Hog’ Daniels

Jerry ‘Hog’ Daniels was a CIA operative who worked closely with the General Vang Pao and the Hmong during the Secret War. These images were retrieved from Daniels Family, and Prof. Lee Pao Xiong and Lar Yang collections. Please visit the Hmongstory Legacy for Yang’s work and information.


”I hope you all believe me when I say that your welfare has always been, is now, and will always continue to be of the highest priority interest for me and my fellow USA co-workers. I still remember that I and perhaps other Americans who are representatives of the United States government, have promised you, the Hmong People, that if you fight for us, if we win, things will be fine. But if we lose, we will take care of you...”

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— Jerry “Hog Daniels
Letter to the Hmong at the Namphong refugee camp, Thailand
December 1975
