Hmong Pajntaub Collection
Pajntaub | Paj Ntaub | Storycloth
“‘Paj’ means flower and ‘Ntaub’ means cloth. The techniques Hmong women practice are: embroidery, batik, reverse applique, and ‘story cloth stitchery’, a type of embroidery which has developed in the refugee camps after the war in Southeast Asia. In Laos all young Hmong women learned these techniques of ‘Paj Ntaub’”. —UNL Digital Commons, 2024.
The artworks depicted in these Paj Ntaub consist of patterns, animals and wildlife, traditional field works, and stories of escape and being chased by the communist forces (as families cross the Mekong River into safety in Thailand). From the refugee camps to the U.S., selling of Paj Ntaub became a revenue source for many artists. This collection is from the Hmong Archives, Southeast Asian Ministry Pajntaub Club (2006), and personal collections. There are more than 1,000 pajntaub in this collection. T
St. Paul, Minnesota