SGU’s Future Museum • St. Paul, MN

Our Build Together Campaign for a future
Hmong History & Veterans Museum of Minnesota

In February of 2023, SGU Board, its members, and community leaders met and asked Gov. Walz, his Administration, and MN legislators to support the organization’s initiatives, including bonding dollars to build a Hmong SGU museum, during the 2023 MN Legislature Session. A Hmong kheng, or qeej, was presented to the Governor as a gift at the meeting. MN State Sen. Susan Pha (DFL-SD 38) became the leading chief author and championed on all of SGU’s 3 initiatives at the MN Senate: the bills were supported by members of the MN Senate and House legislators. (Image courtesy Shia Yang)

Sen. Susan Pha, center, debriefed with the SGU Board members and advisors after their Health and Human Services Committee testimony at the Senate Building, March 2023.

SGU receives state funding to build a Hmong veteran’s museum

In the 2023 MN Legislature Session, SGU advocated for and was able to secure state dollars to build a museum to collect, preserve, and share the Hmong SGU veterans’ stories and history. Most importantly, SGU will need the support from the city, the community, and business leaders to make this a cultural pride and educational institution.

Read SGU museum bill language below or visit here: MN Session Law 2023 Chapter 71, Article 1, Section 14, Subd 95 >>

“This historic legislative session goes to show the positive impact that the government can have on people’s lives when we work together toward a shared vision. I am incredibly grateful to our delegation for their work to secure significant investments that enable us to address urgent needs in our community, provide opportunities for the growth and development of our city, and invest directly in the well-being of our residents.” 

— Mayor Carter
City of St. Paul
May 31, 2023


To preserve, share, and expand the knowledge of our Hmong military and civil experiences from then to now.

Hmongstory Legacy Collection, 2016.


We envision the SGU museum as an inspirational place for the public to learn, engage, and be empowered by the history and story of the Hmong of Minnesota.

Xang Vang Collection, 2009.

“Museum exhibits play an important role in the transmission of historical knowledge. They are viewed by citizens of diverse ages, interests, and backgrounds, often in family groups. They sometimes celebrate common events, occasionally memorialize tragedies or injustices, and contain an interpretive element, even if it is not readily apparent.”

— American Historical Association

Hmongstory Legacy Collection, 2016.

Our Core Values

SGU practices and will be guided by these core values.

  • Provide an educational venue to learn and understand the history and migration of the Hmong story to Minnesota

  • Garner respect, humility, and honor for the Hmong veterans who fought on behalf of the United States in the Secret War in Laos, a part of the Vietnam War, from 1961-1975

  • Build appreciation for the diverse refugee and immigrant stories among new Minnesotans

  • Bring meaningful insight about the Hmong and their contributions to the civic and social fabric in the State of Minnesota

  • Appreciate and value the collection, documentation, and preservation of Hmong family records, artifacts, and cultural relics

  • Celebrate and bring pride to the identity and legacy of the Hmong people

Your financial support can help us bring this museum to life.
